Reviews from TripAdvisor
We stayed at this hotel for 2 nights in January and absolutely loved our stay. The hotel is located in a ravine, which separates it from the little town Hveragerthi and allows you to feel alone with nature. The hot spring powered jacuzzi and sauna facilities are immaculately clean and perfect for relaxing after a day out exploring.
January 2019
We loved our stay here and were enchanted with Hveragerði and surrounding area. We had Room 9 which was very comfortable with a gorgeous view of the river. The hot tubs were a real highlight. As others have mentioned, the breakfast is excellent with plenty of choice. We also ate one night at the restaurant Varma which was just delicious.
UK – January 2019
Great 2 night stay here. Highlights were the hot tubs outside and the restaurant. Excellent breakfast and dinner was the best lamb and artic chat that we’ve ever had! Magical place – such a treat to go outside in the cold and get into. 40 C / 100+ F hot tub.
UK - November 2018
I stayed with my family in October and we couldn’t have had a better time. First off, the setting of the hotel is magnificent. It is in the valley of a stream that runs just outside of the hotel. Additionally, the hotel is situated in a hilly area with many geothermal steam vents. All of this combines to creates an awesome ambiance and a magical atmosphere.
October 2018
Beautiful room with view to the river, mountains, and geothermal springs. We came there in the winter. We soaked in outdoor hot pool while enjoying the aurora lights. Both breakfast and dinner were fantastic. Couldn’t ask for more. Shower room is a little bit too crowded.
South Korea
Fréttir af okkur
Fyrsta flokks hótel í töfrandi umhverfi – aðeins 30 mínútna akstursfjarlægð frá Reykjavík.

Dýfðu þér í heitar náttúrulaugar, dekraðu við þig í mat og drykk og njóttu einstakrar náttúrfegurðar í rólegu umhverfi.
Hverhamar, 810 Hveragerði
483 4959
8:00–23:00 (lau-sun, 8:00–20:00)
Við svörum innan sólarhrings
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